Animal Workshop

This is a one day workshop. 
There is a $100.00 class fee.

Workshop Highlights:
*Open your heart exercise
*Ground yourself meditation
*Learn about using the Drum and/or Rattle
*Discussion:  Spirit Animals
** Animal Retrieval will be done for each person.
* Dance and movement with your animal
*A Guided Meditation with your Animal
*Learn how to find power items like healing stones 
*Rock Reading
*Learn Songs that Heal and Balance

This workshop is presented as 1 full day with 1 hour for lunch, Please bring a Rattle and/or a  Drum
and also a blanket or large towel for meditation.


Children's Animal Workshop
This is a 1/2 day workshop. 
The cost per child is $40.00

Workshop Highlights:
*Open your heart exercise
*Growing roots and leaves (grounding) exercise- moving with nature

*Talk about Totem animals, what they are and where do         they come from?
***Animal Retrievals done for each child
*Make your own  rattle OR Mask
*How do animals move?
* Songs and share time
* Sing and Dance honor songs for your animals
    with your mask or rattle
*Find and paint a pet rock that looks like your Animal
* Learn about Nature and how animals can live in                 hamony with people. Share ideas.

~ This is a half day workshop with Snacks/Drinks provided for children
~ Group rates available
~ This Workshop information is geared towards the ages of the  children-  craft supplies will be furnished. 
Parents are invited to stay for the workshop OR are required to stay depending on age of child - 
If you would like to participate in this class with your child the cost is $25 per adult.  